Andrew Humber, Shiver me timbers, 2007.
Courtesy: Photo courtesy of So-Ha Au.
Catherine Hughes, Walker, 2007.
Courtesy: Photo courtesy of Catherine Hughes.
Katie Cuddon, Untitled, painted ceramic, 2007.
Vicki Kerr, Baron and the Stag, mixed media, 2007.
Katie Cuddon, Radio Cloud, painted ceramic and chrome-plated brass, 2007.
SPILL Festival presents Eve Bonneau in 'Body is the first word I say'
SPILL Festival presents Pacitti Company in 'Grand Finale'
Lucy Bainbridge, Canary Wharf.
Nick Hughes, Snowscapes.
Marguerite Horner, The Speed Of Time.
Claire Fahys, Ville De Nuit.
Miranda Argyle, Two And A Half Billion.
Larisa Blazic, ANGEL (OF PECKHAM) video still
Larisa Blazic, testing feathers
Larisa Blazic, rails for the hanging feathers
Larisa Blazic, inside the shop
Alex Pearl, Drawings for the Foundling Opera