Page 2401 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Ania Bas, webs, no spiders
Photo: Gemma Sherwood.
week 7, version 1, picture is not available
Ania Bas, Photo: Dom Aggio.
week 5, version 2, picture is not available
Ania Bas, enJOINing
Photo: Dom Aggio.
week 5, version 1, picture is not available
artists in Finklaters cottage
Lighting the Midsummer Bonfire, Wood Dalling
St John's Eve bonefire with burning camomile
St John's Eve bonfire on the old path, Wood Dalling
Liepzig - Neo Rauch Woodsman
Liepzig, Thomaskirche - JS Bach Choirmaster
Liepzig - Alte Borse & Goethe
Liepzig - J. S. Bach
Liepzig, Nikolaikirche - Baroque Interior, Ornate Ceiling
Ania Bas, ania and vestas fashion (2)
week3, version 2, picture by Dom Aggio
Ania Bas, ania hits the gym! (2)
week 2, version 2, picture by Dom Aggio
Ania Bas, ania hits the gym!
week2, version 1, picture by Dom Aggio
Ania Bas, have you met ania? (2)
week1, version 2, picture by Dom Aggio
Ania Bas, Title: have you met ania?
week 1, version 1, picture by Dom Aggio
Ania Bas, empty
Photo: Dom Aggio.
week 4, version 2, picture is not available
Ania Bas, empty
Photo: Dom Aggio.
week 4, version1, picture is not available
Ania Bas, ania and vestas fashion
Photo: Dom Aggio.
week3, version1,
Alex Pearl, Drawing for the Foundling Opera
Alex Pearl, Drawing for the Foundling Opera
Einsrein's Tower, Potsdam