Page 2418 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Mao Hamburger Hof Museum Berlin
Rob Kesseler, Plantago Lanceolata.
Rob Kesseler was supported by a NESTA Fellowship.
Red Panda Leaving
Red Panda East Berlin Zoo
Berlin Studio Paintings Nearing Completion
Ann Shaw, wrestling at Bridge of Allan Highland Games
Lucy Panesar, The half Smile Test.
Market Research Exercise at Southampton Live, August 2006. With Emma Sampson
Lucy Panesar, Fill My Shelves.
Transform My Life, Dulwich, August 2006
Lucy Panesar, The Smoking Suffragettes, and volunteers.
Rational Rec, London, March 2007
David Kefford, Magic Hand, 2005.
David Kefford, Good Souls, 2005.
David Kefford, Born Again, 2005.
Antony Hall, Human Computer Interface commission.
Installation detail, lens sensors and halite crystals, from Foundation for Art and Creative Technology
(FACT) Human Computer Interface commission, 2007
Antony Hall, Human Computer Interface commission.
Installation detail, lens sensors and halite crystals, from Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT) Human Computer Interface commission, 2007
Antony Hall, ENKI human to fish communication interface (work in progress).
The electrogenic, Long-nose Elephant fish
Antony Hall, Owl Project - SoundLathe.
With Simon Blackmore and Steve Symons
Antony Hall, ENKI human to fish communication interface (work in progress).
Amy Azelda Cooper, The last day of Amy's carving demonstration at Art in Clay.
National Pottery and Ceramics Festival, 2006
Amy Azelda Cooper, Armchair sculpture.
finished but unfired brick armchair, 2007
Amy Azelda Cooper, Crazed Wallfish.
wall light, 2007
Amy Azelda Cooper, Holey Planet and Friends.
three porcelain lamps, 2007
Good Practice cover.
Mik Godley, Blue Silesian Woman No.1, acrylic on canvas, 40x40cm, 2006.
image sourced from a Polish internet dating site
Damir Oako, The boy with a magic horn, 2007.