Page 2452 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Simon le Ruez, El Manana, plaster, wax, oil and household paint, ground olives, coloured rubber, 2006.
Claudia Pilsl, St John the Divine, analogue colour photograph, produced during her residency, 2006.
Courtesy: the artist.
Alex Highet Jewellery, Helicopter studs and Broaches.
Neck pendant, New Zealand/Aotearoa, nephrite, flax, hallotis shell, 12.1cm high, late eighteenth/early nineteenth centires.
The British Museum collection
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts.
Exterior view of the newly refurbished centre
S Mark Gubb, The Church of the Grays Wood, mixed media, 2003.
Commissioned by Grizedale Arts
Tarek Zaki, Time Machine: remembering tomorrow, (detail), polyester and cast stone in plexiglass, 2004.
Melanie Pappenheim, Untitled.
Recording her sound work from Ambulatiuncula
Melanie Pappenheim, Study for Ambulatiuncula.
Anya Gallaccio, Can love remember the question and the answer, 2003.
Steven Gontarski, Arbeiter Samariter, 1997.
Anish Kapoor, White Sand, Red Millet, Many Flowers, 1982.
Rafael Vinoly Architects, Untitled, Computer rendering of design for firstsitenewsite.
Rafal Bujnowski, Videotape, oil on canvas, 10.5x19x2.5cm, ed 100, 2000.
Courtesy: Raster Gallery, Warsaw.
Rafal Bujnowski, Untitled (microscopic), oil on canvas using a Space Hopper, 2006.
Courtesy: the artist.
Rafal Bujnowski, Painting for an Interior (Pope), oil on canvas, 50x40cm, ed 33, 2001-2002.
Courtesy: Raster Gallery, Warsaw.
Kathe Izzo, Paul Hurley, Public Love Project 2006 - 2008, (detail).
Paul Newman, Working on site.
A E Charnock, Disparity Series No 2, Giclee print, 95x48cm, 2006.
Auto Test Pilot.
Photo: Joseph Peace.
Alison Smith, Notion Nanny.
Qube, Oswestry
Alison Smith, Notion Nanny.
Qube, Oswestry
Kai-Oi Jay Yung. Fffftttt!, Detail, In Progress
Kai-Oi Jay Yung. Wabbit!, Detail, In progress
Kai-Oi Jay Yung. Utter!!!!Nob, In Progress