Page 2467 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Katy Dove, You, (stills), video, 2003.
Urbanbodies show 1.
(l to r) Sue Cohen, Stories of grandma, mixed-media, 2005; Barbara Dean, Wedding dress, mixed-media, 2005; Maslen and Mehra, Breathing Space (IV), medium format photograph on Duratrans, 2x1.3m, 2005; Raimi Gbadamosi, Look, neon sign, 2005; John Howe, Mr Noland Class 3C.
Situation News, Situation News speculative headline.
Photo: Emma Bolland.
Situation News are Emma Bolland and Jon Wakeman. Headlines from 'Situation News' will appearl on specially created newsstands throughout the city and will respond to the festival and tabloid and local press perceptions of contemporary art.
Ingar Dragset, Michael Elmgreen, Short Cut, mixed-media installation with life-size car and camper, 2003.
Installed until 5 June on the forecourt of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago for 'The Universal Experience - Art, Life and the Tourist's Eye', presenting across all four floors of the gallery work by more than seventy contemporary artists, who have responded to the experience of travelling and living in various cultures.
Amy Bryant, Untitled, 2004.
In collaboration with Shani Ali
Ming Wong, Whodunnit, 2004.
Riccardo Iacono, The Electric Garden, mini DVD colour stereo, 5 mins 47 secs, 2004.
Samson Kambalu, The artist (in the chair), 1975-1990.
Emily Cole, Road Diversion, oil on board, 43x33cm, 2003.
Mark Dixon, Making the Invisible Visible, ink, copper plates, 60,000 volts, 2004.
This image was taken by applying 60,000 volts across two 150mm copper mirrors then spraying atomised ink into the charged area. The whole process happens in about half a second.
Lawrence Molloy, The artist's office.
Project for Situation Leeds. 'Delicate Matter' is a multi-sited work wherein the roles of curator, exhibition space, artist and exhibit are unpicked for the audience.
Black Dogs, Massive tiny art shanty.
Photo: Andy Abbott.
Project from artist collective. Specially printed 'cut out and make' postcard packs allow the viewer to join in constructing a miniature art ghetto throughout the festival.
Hilary Jack, Catherine Corlett, Paul Harfleet, Zac Ingham, Joined, 2005.
Ruth Claxton, I thought I was the audience and then I looked at you (detail)., 2005.
Graham Hutchinson, Billy and me, mixed media.
Jenny Hogarth, Pentland Rising, still from the performance, August 2004.
Jenny Hogarth, Pentland Rising, still from the performance, August 2004.
Jenny Hogarth, Pentland Rising, still from the performance, August 2004.
Clara Ursitti, Dr. Lilly Replies in Dolphinese, sound performance featuring Pelle Bolander and the Gothenburg Combo.
Photo: Henrick Zeitler.
Cover of a-n Magazine, April 2005.
Johannes Phokela, Say Cheese, oil on canvas, 168x198cm, 2002.
Johannes Phokela, Apotheosis, oil on canvas (arched Stretcher), 2004.
Atta Kwami, Untitled, 2004.
Zwelethu Mthethwa, Untitled, C-print photographs mounted on UV plexiglass, 2003.
Zwelethu Mthethwa, Untitled, C-print photographs mounted on UV plexiglass, 2003.
Toyin Sokefun, Mama, photograph, 2001.