Page 2485 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Fruitbody no. 1

Fruitbody no. 1

Susan Derges, ‘Fruitbody no. 1’, unique ilfochrome print, 50x60cm, 1999.
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Instant Places

Instant Places

Maciej Wisniewski, ‘Instant Places’, 2002.
Courtesy: Postmasters Gallery, New York.
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Paperrad, ‘Untitled’, 2002.
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Images from the Corner

Images from the Corner

Jasmila Zbanic, ‘Images from the Corner’, video still, 2003.
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Baghdad Wedding

Baghdad Wedding

Phil Collins, ‘Baghdad Wedding’, video still, 2003.
Courtesy: Kerlin Gallery, Dublin.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation award winner in 2001.
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Electro-light 128

Electro-light 128

Tracey Holland, ‘Electro-light 128’, backlit transparency, 40x30cm, 2004.
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Time Machine

Time Machine

Janet Hodgson, ‘Time Machine’.
Photo: Garrard Martin.
A temporary projection installation by Janet Hodgson in vacant shop unit, Canterbury city centre
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Four Thousand Flowers

Four Thousand Flowers

Roxane Permar, ‘Four Thousand Flowers’, 2003.
Volunteers from the local community heloped Roxane Permar to lay out 4,000 pansies in Normand Park in the first event to launch the public consultation conducted by architects Shillam & Smith for North Fulham NDC
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Holy Mackerel

Holy Mackerel

Susan Collins, ‘Holy Mackerel’, still from video, 2001.
A series of stereo (video) viewers embedded into the building site perimeter hoardings in Canterbury city centre. Filmed entirely at the location, by day the work showed stereo video documentation of the site itself whilst by night the documentation was occasionally interrupted by a strolling Yeti
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Canterbury Windows

Canterbury Windows

Grennan and Sperandio, ‘Canterbury Windows’, 2002.
Photo: Garrard Martin.
A temporary series of painted shop windows depicting images of people who use the streets where the shops are located in Canterbury city centre
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Eric Pascal Lesdema, ‘Untitled’, freestanding digichromes with light box, 4x3ft.
From the series Butchery By Light. The work was shown at Standpoint Gallery in 2000
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