Page 2488 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Beatriz Matud, Design for bedside display cabinet.
For the new children's centre at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Alasdair Lindsay, Houses above the Sea.
Gina Glover, Portraits from 'Nearly Another Home' series.
Gina Glover, Portraits from 'Nearly Another Home' series.
Mona Hatoum, Homebound (detail), 2000.
Photo: Edward Woodman.
Mark Leckey, Parade, installation view, 2004.
Mark Leckey, Parade, video still, 2004.
Vladimir Nikolic, Autoportrait (detail), photograph, 2002.
Vladimir Nikolic, Autoportrait (detail), photograph, 2002.
Jochen Holz, Thenar, lampworked borosillicate glass, acrylic paint, 40x40x100cm, 2003.
Stephen Monger, Studio Window, c-type, 112x135cm, 2002.
Stephen Monger, Switches, c-type, 112x135cm, 2002.
Hew Locke, Heir Apparent, mixed media, 2002.
Andrew McDonald, Thorn, still from animation, 2004.
365 days of Area 10, installation shot, Summer 2003.
Hans Scheirl, Relatively ordered scenery, 2003.
Courtesy: the artist.
Nicola Malkin, The Princess Complex, 2002.
Chair Jason E Bowman and speaker Robin Arseneault.
At Remote Relatives, February's APD networking event held at FACT
Katie Schaverien, Sandblasted, bonded and gilded glass, 2003.
Llandudno Hospital
Katie Schaverien, Sandblasted, bonded and gilded glass, 2003.
Llandudno Hospital
Katie Schaverien, Sandblasted, bonded and gilded glass, 2003.
Llandudno Hospital
Katie Schaverien, Sandblasted, bonded and gilded glass, 2003.
Llandudno Hospital
Lorna Green, Power Flower (foreground), white granite and green marble, 1998.
With Changchun World Sculpture Park gallery building (background)
Ye Yushan, Pan He, Cheng Yunxian, Wang Keqing, Cao Chunsheng, Thematic Sculpture (detail).
Ye Yushan, Pan He, Cheng Yunxian, Wang Keqing, Cao Chunsheng, Thematic Sculpture.