Page 2497 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Dafna Moscati, You killed my brother, performance, 2003.
Photo: Ulrike Enslein.
Baruch Shacham, The Cave, 2003.
Photo: Ulrike Enslein.
Liron Meshulem, Cleaning the old city walls, 2003.
Photo: Ulrike Enslein.
Jonathan Touitou, Walking in Jerusalem (artist waiting outside Makhane Yehuda market), 2003.
Photo: Ulrike Enslein.
Ulrike Enslein, Confession Box, 2003.
Photo: Ulrike Enslein.
Juan delGado, Untitled #15, c-print, London, 2001.
From The Wounded Image series
Eye-See, film shorts about visual agnosia.
Director: Sal Anderson, Producer: Emma Crichton-Miller and Tony Dowmunt with Dr Roz McCarthy. A Rosetta Pictures/APT Films production, supported by Science on Stage & Screen in 2001
Juan delGado, Anmia, c-print, Valencia, 1993.
Juan delGado, Angela, c-print, Valencia, 1991.
Juan delGado, Untitled #11, c-print, London, 2001.
From The Wounded Image series
Juan delGado, Arc de Cercle, still from video performance, 2003.
Claire Barclay, Low Scenic, 2003.
Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones.
From 'Zenomap', a presentation of new work from Scotland at Venice Biennale.
Edward Barber, Recycling, Forms for the next century, installation shot.
Courtesy: Crafts Council Photostore.
Catherine Yass, Portrait Garden, lithochrome transparency and lightbox, 2000.
From the Deutsche Bank art collection
Lynn Setterington, Unsung heroes, 150 x 310cm.
Courtesy: Shipley Art Gallery, Tyne and Wear Museums.
Isaac Julien, That Rush, installation detail, 1995.
Photo: Andrew Whittuck/ICA. Courtesy: ICA, London.
From the exhibition 'Mirage: enigmas of race, difference and desire, ICA
Rhapsodies in Black: Art of the Harlem Renaissance, 1997.
Courtesy: Hayward Gallery, London.
At the Hayward Gallery
Ten.8, quarterly photographic magazine, issue 22, 1986.
Cover design 'Sade by Heroes'
Lyle Ashton Harris, Installation detail, 1995.
Photo: Andrew Whittuck/ICA. Courtesy: ICA, London.
From the exhibition 'Mirage: enigmas of race, difference and desire', ICA.
Xu Bing, New English Calligraphy, mixed-media installation, 1997.
Bing's exhibition at Chinese Arts Centre continues to 24 December
ACA Microresidency artrists.
Photo: Lee Cavaliere.
In a shooting butt near Allenheads
Frances Priest, Tall double curved series V, slab formed clay, 2003.
'What is craft?' exhibition at the Hub
The Hub.
Debbie Akam, Exchange, video installation.
Photo: Pori Medlock.
Part of Chrysalis Arts' Transformation and Change project for Skipton Renaissance Market Towns programme
Alla Syed, Eating Grass, 2003.
film stills