Ella Doran, Tablemats, 2002.
Courtesy: Ella Doran Ltd.
Unto This Last, Spline Chair, digitally crafted plywood, 2002.
Ella Doran, Rice Bowls, 2002.
Courtesy: Ella Doran Ltd.
Kate Malone, Artist and Jug.
Junko Mori, #SS01 Seed.
Junko Mori, #07 Organism.
Junko Mori, #S12 Silver Organism.
Junko Mori, #102 propagation project petals.
Themoulla Sofroniou, 1970s-Greeks in London.
Photo: Philip McCormick.
Great Wall of Lempa at Cyprus College of Art.
Blast Theory, Can You See Me Now?, 2001.
Caroline Wright, pinhole camera, 6x1.5cm, 2002.
From Conversations with Friends
Unknown Writer, Some one or Something (the trouble with emancipation), 2003.
Courtesy: Jeffrey Charles Gallery.
Matt Golden, Weekend Rocker, 7000 sheets of A4 paper and listening device, 2002.
J.A. Nicholls, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2002.
Binita Walia, (detail), 2003.
Koyo Yamashita, director of the sales and planning department, in his office at Image Forum, Tokyo.
John Thompson and Michael Gillespie, directors of Foxy Productions.
Martin Prothero, (detail) carbon, glass, 30x20cm, 1999.
Students' temporary intervention in the sculpture garden of the College of Fine and Applied Arts.
Installation view of students' work at the National Museum of Sudan.
student sculpture workshop in the quadrangle of the College of Fine and Applied Art.
Miles Henderson Smith, Stefan Bottenberg, Installation view.
Photo: Einar F Ingolfsson.
Miles Henderson Smith, Model city (detail), corrugated cardboard, and Building structures, oil on canvas, Stefan Bottenberg, Two studies for a Bavarian pipe smoker, acrylic and embroidery on wood