Page 2525 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Ange Taggart, Mattress.
Image from performance appointment card at 'Accommodation'
Ron Wright, Andy Eccleston, Requiem.
Stills from video installation
Anna Fasshauer, Fragment, monoprint, 140x80cm, 2001.
Courtyard at Sculpture Square..
Guests at 'xsXL Expanding Art' private view with Katya Guerrero's 'Interest'.
xsXL Expanding Art private view.
Unknown Writer, Witness Power to the people.
Courtesy: All images CAFKA.
Matt Gorbet, Rob Gorbet, Susan Gorbet, P2P.
Installation in Civic Square outside Kitchener City Hall
Daniel Olson, Fifteen seconds.
Performance in Civic Square outside Kitchener City Hall
Jillian McDonald, Power tattoo.
Jonathan Andersson, Sculptural form, 24x28x26".
Jonathan Andersson, Pate de verre bowl form, 6x6x3".
Area 10, Whitten Timber Yard, 2002.
Area 10, Whitten Timber Yard, 2002.
Area 10, Whitten Timber Yard, 2002.
Area 10, Whitten Timber Yard, 2002.
Dorothy Cross, Eyemaker, still from DVD, edition
1 of 4, 22 mins, 2000.
With special thanks to Mr J Haas, Ocularist, London and Belinda Parsons.
Dorothy Cross, Trunk, wood, cotton knickers, cows teat, 403/4x231/2x18", 1995.
Dorothy Cross, Bible, wooden lap desk, bible, 1995.
Dorothy Cross, Virgin Shroud, cow skin, satin and dummy, 200x50x85cm, 1993.
Dorothy Cross, Tom Cross, Come into the garden Maude.
The first in a three-part work on the theme of the Jellyfish, Medusae, created by Cross in collaboration with her brother the zoologist Professor Tom Cross, for which they received a sciart production award
Dorothy Cross, Tom Cross, Come into the garden Maude.
The first in a three-part work on the theme of the Jellyfish, Medusae, created by Cross in collaboration with her brother the zoologist Professor Tom Cross, for which they received a sciart production award
Dorothy Cross, Tom Cross, Come into the garden Maude.
The first in a three-part work on the theme of the Jellyfish, Medusae, created by Cross in collaboration with her brother the zoologist Professor Tom Cross, for which they received a sciart production award
Channel Communication Amplifier Folkestone, Kent.
Photo: Jes Fernie.
Tessa Garland, Marcel Baettig, Aquarium, 2001.