Page 2527 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Aleksandra Mir, Living and Loving No 1: The Biography of Donald Cappy, 2002.
Edition of 5000, commissioned by Polly Staple for Cubitt and distributed by Cubitt, London, T: 020 7278 8226.
Karen Guthrie, Nina Pope, An artist's impression.
Jo Fairfax, Reflection, animated holographic film.
30 exposures allow the figure to walk up and down on the spikes. The Hologram can be read from frame 30-1 or 1-30.
Olga Florensky, Chuchelo of a cachaolate with water jet.
from Taxidermy
Olga Florensky, Chuchelo of the dog Lakya inside a space craft, from Taxidermy.
Bruce McLean, Will Alsop, work in progress, Spain, summer 2002.
Unknown Writer, The revolution will not be televised.
Junko Mori, #83 Organism, dried plants, forged mild steel, 2001.
Erika Tan, Boatrace.
Ali Rhind, Hooky and proggy making, part of 'Room for view' at the NCCT at Newcastle General Hospital..
Richard Winkworth, Still life from Ladakh 2.
Derek Mawudoku, Skull face, monotype.
Tom Geoghegan, Strange fruit, performance, 2002.
Adrian Hart, Self-deception, glass and acetate.
Carolina Caycedo, Diversion.
Urban intervention, Liverpool.
Valerie Coffin Price, work in her studio at Est-Nord-Est.
Valerie Coffin Price, work in her studio at Est-Nord-Est.
Valerie Coffin Price, Mare D'Elvceo (detail), mixed media, 2002.
Marion Lea Jamieson, Running man, steel, resin with baubles.
Photo: Joyce and Bill de Meester.
Caroline Ramersdorfer, Energy V, granite.
Photo: Joyce and Bill de Meester.
Bridge magazine editors Marie Walz and Michael Workman.
Tom Burtonwood, ArtLab, 2002.
'Division' exhibition at Open-end Art
Meg Duguid, Untitled installation, 2002.
Suburban Gallery
Ben Stone, Untitled, 2002.
Filippo Manzini, Untitled, installation, chalk and UV lighting.