Page 2529 – a-n The Artists Information Company
David Begley, When in Rome.
Layla Curtis, Souvenirs from Manchester, (detail Police Cards), 2002.
Photo: the artist.
Unknown Writer, Marmite.
Jim Lambie, Frankie teardrop no. 3, beads, 330x2cm diameter.
Lucy Orta, Refuge wear intervention.
Photo: J. Akehurst.
Jordan Baseman, Born to run.
Susie Hamilton, acrylic on canvas, 2002.
Khalil Ghulamali, photo.
Pedro Cabrita Reis, A place like that (foreground), Cabinet d'amateur #2 (background), 2001.
Photo: Colin Davison.
Michael Marriott, installation view.
James Ireland, Foreground: Untitled 1, Background:All of my dreams, wooden chair, glue, and; mirror, fluorescent light, shelf, twig, brackets, book pages, tape, 60x80x55cm and 100x120x32cm (repectively), 2002.
Photo: the artist. Courtesy: f a projects.
Jennifer Wright, Shrinking violet, digital print on cotton, installation view.
Photo: Jerry Harman-Jones.
Pieter Kusters, Untitled (after H.Bosch), ceramic, majolica, 80x55x48cm.
Photo: the artist.
Adam Colton, Lust, glazed ceramic, 32x84x23.5cm, 1994.
Photo: Tom Haartsen.
Eve Dent, Anchor #3, May 2002.
Photo: Mike Young.
Eve Dent, Just below the surface, 1999.
Photo: Maura Hazelden.
Gereon Krebber, Tin.
Krebber won the 2003 Jerwood Sculpture Prize.
Blast Theory, TRUCOLD, video still, 2002.
© Blast Theory.
Blast Theory, Desert Rain.
Photo: Dirk Hassaker. © Blast Theory.
Blast Theory, Kidnap.
Photo: Gregorio Pagliaro. © Blast Theory.
Scott Myles, Ice-Cream paperweight, (brown, pink, white, taupe), bronze, cellulose paint, 2002.
Courtesy: the artist and The Modern Institute.
Rona Lee, the encircling shadow, 2001.
Ivan Smith, Mask, 2001.
exhibited at 'Art Camp Tihany', MAMÜ Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 2001, and at 'Snap Shot', University Gallery, University of Derby, 2002
Ivan Smith, toe the line..., Installation at MAMÜ Gallery, Budapest, Hungary., 2002.
Ivan Smith is the Fellow in Sculpture at University of Derby, funded by the Henry Moore Foundation.
Ian Davenport, Poured Lines.