Page 2543 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Aberdeen study III

Aberdeen study III

Pauline Burbidge, ‘Aberdeen study III’, (detail), 80x80 inches, 2000.
Photo: Keith Tidball.
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Kenneth G Hay, ‘Frühilingsmann’, computer-generated print.
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Looking for Jody: Amityville

Looking for Jody: Amityville

Martin Healy, ‘Looking for Jody: Amityville’, photograph, one of a series.
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Guggenheim spores 4

Guggenheim spores 4

Tina Bolyos, ‘Guggenheim spores 4’, computer manipulated image, 0.85x1.18m.
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Sofa day

Sofa day

Sebastian Lowsley-Williams, ‘Sofa day’, ink on photo.
Photo: Sebastian Lowsley-Williams.
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Food section

Food section

Tomoko Takahashi, ‘Food section’, installation detail.
Photo: Tomoko Takahashi.
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making of Shoot

making of Shoot

Ella Gibbs, ‘making of Shoot’.
Photo: Sebastian Lowsley-Williams.
Shangrila, China. All works exhibited at Upriver Loft, Kunming, China, 29 February - 9 March 2002
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Boutique Escape

Boutique Escape

‘Boutique Escape’, 2000.
Courtesy: Escape.
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installation view

installation view

Espacio Aglutinador, ‘installation view’.
Photo: Max Andrews.
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Traffic Patterns

Traffic Patterns

Allora and Calzadilla, ‘Traffic Patterns’, 2001.
Photo: Max Andrews.
M&M proyectos
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Construction Voyageuse

Construction Voyageuse

Laurent Reynes, ‘Construction Voyageuse’, June 2001.

Project facilitated by Sculptors' Society of Ireland as part of an initiative to explore parallels between sculpture/architecture and landscape design.
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If I knew then what I know now

If I knew then what I know now

Donna Rutherford, ‘If I knew then what I know now’, performance with digital video, May 2001.

Part of the Sculptors' Society of Ireland 'Perishable Tonic' live art evening.
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His birth was the death of him

His birth was the death of him

Noel Molloy, ‘His birth was the death of him’, performance, May 2001.

Part of the Sculptors' Society of Ireland 'Perishable Tonic' live art evening.
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Gyllene Tider (Golden Years) part 3

Gyllene Tider (Golden Years) part 3

‘Gyllene Tider (Golden Years) part 3’.
Photo: Stefan Karlsson.
Golden Years is a proposal for a retirement home for artists and cultural workers.
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Julian Opie, ‘Installation’.

Installation in the windows of Habitat Birmingham, September - December 2001 as part of his exhibition at Ikon Gallery.
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Find the switch that opens a door on another island

Find the switch that opens a door on another island

Dan Perfect, ‘Find the switch that opens a door on another island’, painting.

Shown in 'Floating Islands' 6 July - 26 September 2001 in the café in Habitat Kings Road, London.
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Food, Shelter, Clothing, Fuel

Food, Shelter, Clothing, Fuel

Chad McCail, ‘Food, Shelter, Clothing, Fuel’.

Large scale prints commissioned as part of Habitat's sponsorship of the British Art Show 5 and shown in Habitat Edinburgh, April - June 2000.
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