Page 2559 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Ruth Bianco, Veils of Absence.
Ruth Bianco, Veils of Absence.
Jolante Kvastye, Kidnapping Europe, red clay and enamel.
Jerry Caplan, Chorus.
Christine Keeney, Head.
Shigeto Wada, Rob Flint, onstage in the Amphitheatre with video artist Rob Flint
Photo: ARiADA/UEA.
Matt Rogalsky, blue sky, 2001.
Matt Rogalsky, performing David Tudor's Rainforest 3, on the main stage.
Photo: ARiADA/UEA.
Paul Allit, Marée Allit, mapmap, 1998.
R A Copsey, %.
A recent show with John Rimmer
Emma Torkington, Outline.
Nina Pope, A Public Auction of Private Art Works, webcast and auctioneer.
Nina Pope, A Public Auction of Private Art Works, production still - collection of works.
Nina Pope, A Public Auction of Private Art Works.
Lot 56 Nina Pope
Sister Christine Frost listening to 'Preachers' presented by David Lillington, 31 January.
Photo: Angus Leadley-Brown.
Programme office during production of Newsletter no: 3/7, 23 January.
Photo: Ella Gibbs.
Vicky Wright, Mixture, tea party in the gallery, 17 February.
Photo: Angus Leadley-Brown.
Bettina Wilhelm, Incidental Interventions: A Sofa in Transit, gallery visitor, 21 February.
Photo: Anna Richardson.
Carol McNicoll, Moschino girl.
Felicity Aylieff, Tyre and soft blue form.
Emilia Telese, Transmit, installation performance, active biofeedback soft machine, 2000-01.
Photo: Mark Bennet, thanks to David Ziggy.
Emilia Telese in collaboration with Liquidstatic
Sonia Hawking, Swansea Divisional Police headquarters.
Helen Ward, Turbine, still from Not Born of the Earth a short film made as part of 'Detour'..
Helen Ward, Beauty and the Beast, detail,digital collage from Lost in Time, a lightbox installation created as part of 'Detour'.
Kirsty Griffiths, You're a little angel.
detail, digital image created during a series of workshops, with a girls group in Royston, looking at self image and portraiture.