Page 2569 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Tothill protester.
Luis Carvajal, Caution Newbury Bypass Misinterpreted as Progress.
Suky Best, Ten Journeys.
(Working title)
Suky Best, Ten Journeys.
(Working title)
Stephen Turner, Grotta, Nov 2000.
One of a series of images, UK Meteorological Office Climate Model, 1860 - 2090.
Cornford & Cross, Still from 'Childhood's End'.
Isaac Julien, Cinerama.
Mark Lewis, Peeping Tom.
Jayne Parker, Foxfire Eins.
John Wood, Paul Harrison, Cartography.
David Pearl, Amber Hiscott, Twin Towers.
Photo: TomTom Pictures.
Boris Mikhailov, Image from 'Case History', 1999.
David Johnson, The Bath.
David Johnson, Untitled (Moon).
David Johnson, Secret Sea No.1..
Andrew McDonald, The Return of John, animation, 2001.
Andrew McDonald, The Return of John, animation, 2001.
Andrew McDonald, The Return of John, animation, 2001.
Andrew McDonald, The Return of John, animation, 2001.
Barbara Ryan, Untitled (Little Paradise Garden - Part 2), 1999-2000.
Maggie Ayliffe, Sex Education, 2000.
Shirley Kaneda, Hot Ice, 1999.