Page 2571 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Ainsley Hillard, Tapestry Detail 1, monofilament warp with viscose weft, 74x52cm.
Steve Cooper, Anticipation, 2001.
Paul Gray, Soho (dur 58.35 mins), Durst Lamda digital print, 30x125cm.
Tom Dixon, image from 'Freeze Frame' exhibition.
Photo: Harob Mullick.
Lisbon Design Museum
Tom Dixon, image from 'Freeze Frame' exhibition.
Photo: Haroob Mullick.
Lisbon Design Museum
Andrea Roe, Arranging Rabbits.
Photo: Patrick Beveridge.
Based on Hogarth's print of Mary Toft.
Venice 2000, 2000.
Simon Faithfull, 1998.
participating artist, 'Temporary Accommodation', Whitechapel Art Gallery.
Black Rage, installation, 1996.
participating artists, 'Temporary Accommodation', Whitechapel Art Gallery.
Janine Crombie, (Untitled) No.2, acrylic.
Mary Tofts, the pretended Rabbit Breeder.
Wellcome Library.
Andrea Roe, Dream rabbits on Henry's laboratory ship.
Photo: Kate Darwin.
One hundred cast silver rabbits installed on the model of a barge designed as a floating laboratory.
Ann-Marie LeQuesne, The 3rd Annual Group Photograph, 2000.
The Millennium Dome
David Germond, latex chair.
Linda Gordon, Jeff Highley, Voices.
John Virch, It's Happening again.
Natasha Heaslip, Jewellery.
Kate Lewis, Refugee coat, 2000.
Tobi Deeson, Untitled, Fabric & print, 2000.
Jhan Stanley.
Nick Stewart, Currency, video still, 2000.
Nick Stewart, City, photograph, 2000.
Catherine's moments, postcard.
Photo: Rebecca Eriksson.
posters of collected moments, old St Thomas Station building.
Edwina Fitzpatrick, Pollination.
Photo: Alex Tymkow.
installing window boxes with a resident.