Page 2577 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Alexis Harding, Profile (blue), 2000.
Pierre Huyghe, The Third Memory, double video projection, 2000.
Alexis Harding, Ruinart, 2000.
Claude Lévêque, Untitled, 1993.
Boran Sarcevic, Untitled, 1997.
Jason Martin, Glutton, 1999.
Bruno Serralongue, Destination Vegas, 1996.
Philippe Parreno, Speech Bubbles.
Alison Wilding, Ambit.
Photo: Mark Pinder.
as seen in the River Wear until 25 September 2000.
Claude Closky, Flying Saucers.
Grennan and Sperandio, Nurse's Tale.
Louise K Wilson, still from 'Seeing For Oneself', 2000.
orsman development.
BritArt auction contributor Tracey Emin, as seen in the 80's with then partner Billy Childish.
- Through the eyes of photographer Eugene Doyen, one of the exhibits at the Pure Gallery in London during November.
Anita Rivera, Sun scroll.
Photo: David Tothill.
(Detail). Commissioned from Anita Rivera by Lee Valley Regional Park Authority.
The Square - Hamilton Town Centre.
Town Square - Bournemouth.
Dean Melbourne, Pink Boy 76.
Clare Woods, Untitled, enamel on MDF, 2000.
Amrit & Rabindra Kaur Singh, Eva Peron, 9.5x11.5cm, 2000.
Jamie Davies, Turf, 1999.
Part of a series
Ticky Lowe, Daisy Chair, 1998.
private collection
Sean Fairman, Creation dub, 200x175cm.
mixed media on canvas
Eric Martin, Happy as Mick and Larry.
Ruth Richmond, painted skip, 2000.