Laraba Friedman, Old Habits Never Die.
Nadine Warden, ultramarine cube.
Helen Eriksen, No. 13, 2000.
Michael Pinsky.
vinyl on glass, 1.5x1m from In Transit.
Margaretha Schöning, untitled.
was on show at Basement.
Jim Medway, Bigg Market.
Photo: Colin Davison.
wall drawing
Anya Gallaccio, 1999.
200 kilos of apples tied to a barren apple tree, Amden, Switerland.
Barry McGee, Teen participants in an artist residency with Barry McGee..
Brigida Baltar, Video - 25th Bienal de São Paulo.
Tom Pearman, London Print Studio Window (detail).
Petko Dourmana, Turning on or My tomb is cool oasis in the city's heat.
Margaret O'Rorke, Free standing.
Photo: Colin Hall.
Kathrin Böhm, Stefan Saffer, Andreas Lang Studio, Mobile Porch, November 2000.
Still from the 'Mixing It Up: An Intergenerational Perspective' film series, a dialogue between the artists Hunt & Darton and Richard Layzell, produced by New Work Network and Artquest.