What kind of a year has 2013 been for you?
Stressful, sad, exciting, satisfying – not in any particular order, but these were the main ingredients.
What has changed for the better and what, if anything, has changed for the worse?
Better: I’m busier, which is better. My practice is still chaotic and meandering, but being busy makes that tolerable. It’s slow grinding chaos I can’t stand.
Worse: I’m older, which I think is worse, and I’ve got bloody arthritis in my big toe.
What do you wish hadn’t happened this year?
I’ve left that kind of neg-head stuff behind me.
What do you wish had happened this year, but didn’t?
That a baboon bought a gun and came to the UK to shoot AA Gill to see what it would be like.
What would you characterise as your major achievement this year and why?
I think my show in Venice worked out pretty much like I wanted. Also, this meant some people came to see me at my studio for the first time; no one ever comes to see me, so that’s an achievement in itself.
Is there anything you’d like to have done this year but haven’t?
I wish I’d finished building my studio – people in the village think it’s an eyesore, I think. And I wish I’d read more good books and less crap.
What would make 2014 a better year than 2013?
£² = :)