What kind of a year has 2016 been for you?
A mountain range kind of year – at its peaks, high-yield vistas / in between, great chunks of time in the ditches, trying to summon some gumption.
What has changed for the better and what, if anything, has changed for the worse?
Better: David Cameron and Nigel Farage resigned as party leaders.
Worse: Theresa May is leading the UK on. Farage is leading the new march to Trump’s bed. Syria.
What do you wish hadn’t happened this year?
The apparently unstoppable rise of bigots, gropers and comb-overs while minorities, non-human animals and the peaceful suffer.
What do you wish had happened this year, but didn’t?
The opposite of all of the above.
What would you characterise as your major achievement this year and why?
Rehoming a dog. She helps me rethink our world, and inhabit others.
Is there anything you’d like to have done this year but haven’t?
Read more good news.
What would make 2017 a better year than 2016?
Fewer borders, more tongue-kissing.
1. Heather Phillipson. Photo: courtesy of the artist
2. Heather Phillipson, 100% Other Fibres, 4-part HD video, 2016. Photo: courtesy of the artist
3. Heather Phillipson, Eat Here, 2015-2016, installation view. Photo: courtesy of the artist, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, and Norbert Migueletz
Watch out for more in our ‘2016 – How was it for you?’ series & catch up with what we’ve published so far using the #hwify2016 tag
More on a-n.co.uk:

Heather Phillipson wins 2016 Film London Jarman Award

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2016 in view: Director Jeanie Scott reflects on a busy and challenging year