This year, a-n members took the opportunity to boost their professional development with support from two bursary funds:

  • a-n Artists’ Bursaries, open to all a-n Artist members
  • Freelands Foundation Artists’ Bursaries, dedicated to supporting a-n Artist members who are Black, Asian, Brown and/or part of the Global Majority.

Aimed at visual artists working in all visual arts disciplines, and at any stage of their career, each fund offered bursaries of £500 to £1,500 to help members take their practice to the next level. Bursaries will be used to support a wide range of artist activity, including learning new skills, expanding networks and exploring different ways of working.

And the response? Huge! a-n Artists’ Bursaries received 1119 applications and Freelands Foundation Artists’ Bursaries received 324, showing just how vital this support is for artists.

Artists Council members Freya Dooley, Simon Lee Dicker and Sae Yeoun Hwang formed the selection panel for a-n Artists Bursaries, while Exodus Crooks (Artists Council), Amrita Dhallu (a-n Board member) and Antonio Roberts (Artists Council alumnus) made the decisions on Freelands Foundation Artists’ Bursaries. 

Explore, learn and thrive

Antonio noticed that many artists wanted to learn a new skill, saying: “I saw artists wanting to work with clay, wood and glass who had never done so before. I also noticed more artists wanting to work digitally, by undertaking mentoring or workshops in digital music production, 3D modelling and creative coding. I think this reflects trends going on throughout culture more generally.” 

Reflecting on the broader impact of the bursaries, Sae Yeoun said: “They’re transformative! They give artists the freedom to direct resources to their most pressing needs, whether that’s materials, mentorship or dedicated time for creation. The ripple effects reach far beyond the bursaries, as artists go on to create work that enriches our cultural landscape and inspires others in their communities.” 

The full list of a-n members to receive a-n Artist Bursaries 2024-25 is:

Kelan Andrews, Güler Ates, Irini Bachlitzanaki, Jenny Baines, Amber Bardell, Alana Barton, Angela Bartram, Tatiana Baskakova, Emilia Beatriz, Alice Bertazzi, Camille Biddell, Jessie Blindell, Cat Bruce, Kimbal Bumstead, Colette Cameron, Hannah Campbell-Wharam, Sian Cann, Tom Cardew, Berenice Carrington, Clara Casian, Clair Chinnery, Kate Clayton, Jo Clements, Katrina Cobain, Anoushka Cole, Sara Cook, Annie Crabtree, William Crosby, Fiona Curran, Jamal Lloyd Davis, Mahal de Man, Laura de Moxom, Marta Dyczkowska, Carole Evans, Rita Evans, Donna Fox, Hondartza Fraga, Phillip Frankland, Sarah Fraser, Ian Giles, Talia Golchin, Sophie Goodchild, Eleanor Goulding, Cecelia Graham, Kate Guelke, Amber Hahn, CA Halpin, Claire Hardaker, Rebecca Harrington, Annie Harrison, Marion Harrison, Laurie Hastings, Eleanor Havsten-Franklin, Emily Hawes, Amelia Hawk, Sarah Hesketh, Holly Hesson, Tracy Hill, Laura Hindmarsh, Dot Howard, Andrew Howe, Kayt Hughes, Alice Hume, Kevin Hunt, Rhiannon Hunter, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson, Sue Jarman, Kathryn John, Hannan Jones, Annis Joslin, Joanna Jowett, Molly Kent, Joshua Kerley, Andrea Kershaw, Dinosaur Kilby, Dawoon Kim, Melanie King, Carol Laidler, Ibby Lanfear, Lily Lavorato, Lola Lazaro Hinks, Anna Lukala, Ivan Mack, Agata Madejska, Tyler Mallison, Joanne Masding, Rowan Mconegal, Jan McCullough, Letty McHugh, Richard McVetis, Elina Medley, Anne-Mie Melis, Eve Miller, Bella Milroy, Andrea Mindel, Tanya Moulson, Ange Mullins, Carolyn Murphy, Miriam Nabarro, Idit Nathan, Nika Neelova, Duong Nguyen, Claire Nichols, Tommaso Olivero, Laura Onions, Tomoko Otani, Kim L Pace, Emily Peasgood, David Penny, Benedict Phillips, Ali Pickard, Jane Pitt, Trevor Pitt, Diana Puntar, Fliss Quick, Emma Quin, Karolina Raczynski, Joshua Raffell, Ania Ready, Donna Riddington, Katya Robin, Phil Root, Frances Ross, Joseph Ryken, Lucy Saggers, Steven Sales, Isabelle Sallis, Jonathan Sargeant, Jane Scobie, Cat Scott, Cathy Scullion, Yoan Segot, Sophie Seita, Sam Selley, Jagraj Singh, Raju Sachi Singh, Lisa Skuret, Unu Sohn, Rae-Yen Song, Gwenllian Spink, Katie Spragg, Alice Stallard, Marialuisa Stella, Susan Stockwell, Klara Szafrańska, Agnieszka Szczotka, Marcia Teusink, Robbie Thomson, Amy Treharne, Sara Truckel, Jo Veal, Veronica Vickery, Anna Vlassova-Longworth, Una Walker, Karen Wallis, Gosia Walton, Alice Watkins, Anne-Marie Watson, Lisa Watts, Jessica Wetherly Wilson, Eileen White, Nicholas White, Sonya Wilkins, Lu Williams, Rowenna Williams, Sarah Wills-Brown, Amy Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Sarah Kate Wilson, Elizabeth Woodger, Joshua Woolford.

The full list of a-n members to receive Freelands Foundation Artists’ Bursaries 2024-25 is:

Ije, Tobi Adebajo, Stephen Akpov, Zish Alexander, Alaya Ang, Jessica Ashman, Kelvin Atmadibrata, Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq, Chloe Barnes, Mianam Bashir, LiLi Kathleen   Bright, Jade O’Belle, Savinder Bual, Andrea Catalina and Carvajal Acosta, Daisy Chan, Hammer Chen, Liang-Jung Chen, Kim Chin, Soohyun Choi, Ciáran Christopher, Courtney Conrad, Nigel Cudjoe, Darryl Daley, Claire Davies, Naeem Davis, Linda Devo, Roo Kaur Dhissou, Johann Don-Daniel, Dionne Elizabeth, Sian Fan, Gabriela Flarys, Abi Freckleton, Hicham Gardaf, Gugan Gill, Emilia Gonzalez, Annis Harrison, Yifan He, Maria Herbert-Liew, Dawn Holgate, Kaori Homma, Young In Hong, Yasmine Anlan Huang, Khevyn Ibrahim, Rachel Ifediora, Kasra Jalilipour, Daisy Jones, Hassina Khan, Sooun Kim, Kai Chung Lee, Yoojin Lee, Lola Lely, Annalees Lim, Neeta Madahar, Kuniko Maeda, Sophie Mak-Schram, Michael McLeod, Natalie Mitchell, Kaajal Modi, Goia Mujalli, Saya Naruse, Samar Nezamabad, Uju Obi, Bella Okuya, Sikelela Owen, Jamila Prowse, Anahita Razmi, Monya Riachi, Enorê, Mohammed Rowe, Moyin Saka, Vasundhara Sellamuthu, Arpita Shah, Janhavi Sharma, Elise Rose Sutherland, Cheuk Lam Tam, Sinta Tantra, Francesca Telling, Gabriella Tigoglu, Daniel Torquato Fortes, Ngo Chun Tse, Chisara Vidale, Kirti Virmani, Janet Wallace, Joseph Walsh, Cecilia Wee, Weng Io Wong, Nilupa Yasmin, Jian Yi, Kelly Zou.

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