We’re entering the final weeks of the degree show season and the openings over the next few days are dominated by London shows.
The Royal Academy Schools Show presents work from the 17 artists on its three-year postgraduate programme.
There’s more postgraduate work on show at The Royal College, including an installation by Eman Ali (work pictured) who is featured in this year’s a-n Degree Shows Guide.
Central Saint Martins’ Show Two sees work from, amongst others, graduates of BA courses in jewellery and textile design, graphic design and ‘Culture, Criticism and Curation’.
Meanwhile, The Cass at London Metropolitan University presents its Summer Show featuring work from across the School of Art, Architecture and Design.
At City and Guilds of London Art School there’s a chance to see work by graduates from the school’s Fine Art, Conservation, and Historic Carving courses.
Outside London, the Norwich University of the Arts degree shows will be showcasing the work of over 600 new graduates, with work including painting, illustration, film and textiles.
You’ll also find plenty of other shows that continue until Saturday in last week’s degree shows opening piece.
Central Saint Martins, UAL, Show Two
21-25 June, www.events.arts.ac.uk, @CSM_news
Royal Academy of Arts
22 June-2 July, www.royalacademy.org.uk, @RoyalAcademy
The Cass at London Metropolitan University
Private view 22 June.
23 June-8 July, www.londonmet.ac.uk, @TheCassArt
Royal College of Art
24 June-2 July, www.rca.ac.uk, @RCA
City and Guilds of London Art School
Private view 27 June.
27 June–2 July, www.cityandguildsartschool.ac.uk, @CGLArtSchool
Norwich University of the Arts
27 June–5 July, www.nua.ac.uk, #nuadegreeshows
Eman Ali, Surprise Your Man With The Grip, 2017. MA Fine Art, Photography, Royal College of Art. Courtesy: Eman Ali
a-n Degree Shows Guide 2017
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