Robert Rauschenberg, Tate Modern, London
This show offers an in-depth exploration of six decades of the American artist Robert Rauschenberg’s work. Well known for his iconic ‘combines’ – hybrids between painting and sculpture – he also created silkscreen paintings and groundbreaking performance art. Highlights include his large-scale pop art screen prints picturing the likes of JF Kennedy, with the exhibition as a whole illustrating the influence Rauschenberg has had on artists ranging from Andy Warhol to Damien Hirst.
Until 2 April 2017.
Joan Eardley, Scottish National Gallery Of Modern Art, Edinburgh
Although Scottish artist Joan Eardley died in 1963, aged just 42, she packed a lot into her short career. She produced a body of work that can be split into two themes: paintings of children in the Townhead area of Glasgow and paintings of the fishing village of Catterline, just south of Aberdeen. This exhibition highlights her archive of sketches and photographs, many of which have remained largely unseen.
Until 21 May 2017.
Zaha Hadid, Serpentine Sackler Gallery, London
World-renowned architect Zaha Hadid, who died earlier this year, is best known for her iconic buildings, including the aquatic centre for the London 2012 Olympics and the Broad Art Museum in the US. Taking place in the Serpentine’s Sackler Gallery – one of Zaha Hadid Architects’ first permanent buildings in central London – this exhibition presents her paintings and rarely seen drawings. She used the latter as her main method for visualising architectural ideas, with this show offering an intriguing insight into her working process.
Until 12 February 2017.
Roger Hiorns, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
Former Turner Prize nominated artist Roger Hiorns first gained major recognition for his 2008 work Seizure, an installation of copper sulphate crystals in a South London flat. This new Ikon show features foaming assemblages of manufactured machine parts and paintings made from brain matter. It also includes a new video work documenting Untitled (a retrospective view of the pathway), an off-site project produced by Ikon in June 2016 featuring the choristers of St Philip’s Cathedral, Birmingham singing while lying on their backs,
Until 5 March 2017.
Mutations, Vane, Newcastle
This solo show by Lithuanian artist Andrius Erminas explores the relationship between human culture and the natural world. The exhibition is divided into two halves, with the objects they contain having undergone profound mutations. In the first room, the viewer encounters objects taken from visual art, architecture, religion and everyday life. The second room features more organic elements such as trees, roots, animal skeletons, honeycombs and earth.
Until 17 December 2017.
1. Robert Rauschenberg, Retroactive II, 1963 (detail). Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Partial gift of Stefan T. Edis and H. Gael Neeson © Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, New York. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Nathan Keay © MCA Chicago
2. Zaha Hadid, Wireframe Sculpture Perspective, 2010. Victoria City Aerial, Berlin, Germany, 1988. © Zaha Hadid Foundation
3. Roger Hiorns, Untitled (2014). Found plastics, compressor, foam. Dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Corvi-Mora Gallery, London. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2016
4. Andrius Erminas, ‘Mutations’, installation view. Photo: Colin Davison
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