People listen to us because we listen to you. 4,223 artists and arts professionals have co-signed our letter to Lisa Nandy MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport backing policy recommendations to support the visual arts sector.

Short-term policy recommendations include:

  • the introduction of the Smart Fund, a private copying scheme that could generate around £300 million/ year in copyright revenues for creatives and visual artists.
  • the appointment of a Freelancer Commissioner to advocate for the working rights of freelancers in the visual arts sector and across the creative industries.

In the longer term, we are collectively calling for the extension of the Museum and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief, a new Creative and Cultural Agreement with the EU, and planning reforms to incentivise the creation of artists’ studios and creatives spaces. In addition to economic support, our manifesto calls for a curriculum that fosters creativity, stressing the importance of investing in creative education. 

Investing in artists secures our creative future and continued global leadership in the visual arts. We feel confident that the Government will agree to collaborate with us by making small changes, such as legislation, which will have a huge impact on the livelihoods of artists and the health of the visual arts in the UK. We believe the Manifesto is as much about shared values as it is investment, and that the Government share our vision for a thriving, world leading visual arts sector that values artists’ creative practice.” Julie Lomax, CEO of a-n

Who signed the letter?

The letter has been signed by 4223 of you – including artists, curators, gallerists and other arts professionals.

Here’s what the papers have to say…