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Now Showing 326: The week’s top exhibitions

Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including a Saad Qureshi’s sculptural ‘mindscapes’ at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, the SSA | VAS OPEN at Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, plus Anthony Shapland’s multidisciplinary work at Exeter Phoenix.

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a-n Membership survey 2020

The deadline for completing the survey is now passed. Your responses will help us understand our members’ needs and continue to make our activities relevant to you.

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2019 – How was it for you? #6: Paul Maheke, performance artist

London-based French artist Paul Maheke uses performance, installation, video, and sound to explore the potential of the body as an archive in order to address how history, memory and identity are formed and constituted. Here he reflects on his personal highlights from the last 12 months, including being nominated for the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard Prize.

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Now Showing 324: The week’s top exhibitions

Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including an exploration of reductive and systems-based art in London, the deciphering of a forgotten photographic archive in Birkenhead, and an exhibition of paintings that take their time in Leeds.

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Now Showing 323: The week’s top exhibitions

Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including Dutch painter, sculptor and graphic artist Jacqueline de Jong at Pippy Houldsworth, London, plus photographic works by American artist Hal Fischer at GoMA, Glasgow.

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2019 General Election Artists’ Toolkit

In the lead up to the general election on 12 December a-n has published a toolkit to make sure the new government understands – and reflects – the needs and contribution of the UK’s visual artists.

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