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Supported by:Arts Council England
Le Paradis sur Terre 1
News News feature

Working internationally: no reputation without representation?

Working internationally is key to the development of many artists’ practice, but without gallery representation the hurdles are considerable. With the 55th Venice Biennale soon to open, we speak to three artists – including one showing in Venice – about the challenges of working abroad without a gallery, and also get the views of an independent curator.

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Stefanos Tsivopoulos
News News feature

Venice Biennale: a selective process

The Venice Biennale is the world’s biggest and most important international art event. But how do the exhibiting artists get chosen to represent their country at the national pavilions or collateral exhibitions and how does the process differ from one country to the next? We take a look and find that, although in differing forms, the open call is becoming increasingly popular.

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