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Supported by:Arts Council England
News News story

New Year resolutions and predictions

A random selection of resolutions, predictions and plans for 2013, from the impact of arts cuts in Newcastle to an artist’s intention to ‘do less’. Now, what are yours?

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Paul Hobson
News News story

2012: How was it for you? #5: Paul Hobson

The Director of the Contemporary Art Society looks back on a year that has seen the organisation purchase its own home for the first time, but which has also seen many developments contributing to the erosion of the visual arts in the UK.

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Ceri Hand
News News story

2012: How was it for you? #2: Ceri Hand

The second in our end-of-year series sees London-based gallerist Ceri Hand complete our 2012 questionnaire, reflecting on a year that has seen her relocate the gallery from Liverpool to Covent Garden.

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Haroon Mirza
News News story

2012: How was it for you? #1: Haroon Mirza

As the year draws to a close, we’ve been asking the same seven questions about 2012 to a variety of people working in the visual arts. We’ll be publishing their answers daily over the next two weeks, starting today with award-winning artist Haroon Mirza.

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Eric Bainbridge, Two sausages
News News story

Buy art for Christmas – part four

The last in our series highlighting alternatives to high street shopping, this week’s selection includes exhibitions, fairs and festive promotions taking place across the UK and online.

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Edgar Schmitz
News News story

Conference report: Hubs and Fictions

Hubs and Fictions, a satellite project to Edgar Schmitz’s Surplus Cameo Décor exhibition, took place in Dundee, Gateshead and London, and explored the role and consequences of the ‘fictions of elsewhere’ we all live with and respond to.

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