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Turner Prize 2017: inclusion of over-50s reflects reality of artists’ careers today

Yesterday’s announcement of the 2017 Turner Prize shortlist saw two artists over 50 nominated – Hurvin Anderson and Lubaina Himid – reflecting the recent decision to drop its longstanding under-50 rule. Fisun Güner welcomes the change, arguing that it better reflects the reality of many artists’ careers while also ensuring a particularly strong line-up for this year’s prize.

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Assembly Liverpool: focusing on artist-led activity

For the second of a-n’s touring programme of workshops, talks and get-togethers, we’re heading to Liverpool where artist Kevin Hunt has developed two days of activities focusing on the artist-led project spaces that punctuate the city’s institution-heavy gallery ecology.

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a-n Degree Shows Guide 2017: Elizabeth Price, students on their shows, UK-wide listings

The just-published a-n Degree Shows Guide 2017 captures the buzz of ideas and activity that this time of year is all about. With an in-depth introductory interview with Elizabeth Price, listings of more than 70 shows across the UK, plus contributions from Christine Borland, Nicolas Deshayes, Laura Oldfield Ford and many more practising artists and final-year students, it’s the perfect degree show season companion.

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One year on: Sheyda Porter

Currently studying for an MA in curating, the Northumbria University graduate has been busy developing her practice and project-making skills.

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Class action: 10 students share their degree show thoughts

As deadlines loom, students across the UK are grappling with their degree show ideas and execution. From Hull to Swansea, Edinburgh to Wolverhampton, London to Bath, we talk to this year’s cohort about their plans and expectations.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Thomson & Craighead, video and internet artists

London and Scotland-based artistic duo Thomson & Craighead have created a new generative moving image work for the Look Again festival in Aberdeen. They talk to Jack Hutchinson about the impact of the internet on our lives and how splitting their time between rural and urban areas has benefitted their practice.

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A Q&A with… Keith Piper, artist, filmmaker, and cultural archaeologist

Keith Piper’s exhibition at New Art Exchange, ‘Unearthing the Banker’s Bones’, explores the idea of what our society’s relics might look like from a future perspective. The founder member of the BLK Art Group talks to Wayne Burrows about the themes contained within the work and the continued importance of political and social questions to his practice.

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