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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: Royal Standard relocates, David Hockney to design stained-glass window for the Queen, and photographer Greg Constantine banned from attending his own exhibition.

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News News comment

Resisting gentrification: why we should fight hard to protect affordable creative spaces

Newcastle-based artist Kathryn Hodgkinson believes that the city council’s planning decisions are having a detrimental effect on the area’s creative community. In the wake of the recent decision to demolish the creative space Uptin House to make way for ‘yet another block of student flats’, she argues that local authorities need to embrace the true value of artists.

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News News feature

Creating spaces for dialogue: feminist thinking in art practice

‘Of Other Spaces: Where does gesture become event?’ is a two-‘chapter’ exhibition and symposium at Cooper Gallery, Dundee that presents contemporary and historical feminist art from the 1970s onwards in an attempt to create a dialogue between “artists, thinkers, artworks and practices”. Dundee-based artist Valerie Norris reports from Scotland’s ‘she town’.

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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: Cockpit Arts Camden building faces redevelopment, all-female show offers defiant riposte to Trump winning US election, and new artistic director of Tate St Ives announced.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Nicholas Sharp, director and co-founder of The Multiple Store

‘The Last Editions’ is the final chance to celebrate the work of The Multiple Store and to buy one of the high-quality editions it has been commissioning since 1998 by artists including Turner Prize nominees and winners. Co-founder Nicholas Sharp talks about his reasons for starting the project, and why it’s now time to wrap things up.

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