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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: artist Tania announces bid for Cuban presidency, Anicka Yi wins 2016 Hugo Boss Prize, and divided reception for Doris Salcedo’s memorial in Bogotá.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Luc Tuymans, painter and curator

The influential Belgian artist Luc Tuymans currently has a small show of his own work, ‘Glasses’, at the National Portrait Gallery, while a major James Ensor exhibition he’s curated opens at the Royal Academy later this month. He talks about both with Fisun Güner.

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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: Last art history A-level axed, London’s free art school moves to Margate, and exhibition on slavery causes uproar in Paris.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Guerrilla Girls, feminist artists

For over 30 years, New York’s Guerrilla Girls have been the feminist conscience of the art world, exposing sexism through protests and original research on posters, stickers, billboards and artwork. Fisun Güner spoke to two of the founding members about their new Whitechapel Gallery show, ‘Guerrilla Girls: Is it even worse in Europe?’

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