News - Page 8 of 166 - a-n The Artists Information Company

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A Q&A with… Amber Akaunu

Liverpool-based Nigerian-German artist and a-n member has produced a digital painting When You Cry, I Cry in support of Black Lives Matter. Here she discusses the impact of the work and what needs to change in terms of support for Black and minority ethnic artists across the arts.

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Now Showing Online: The week’s top online exhibitions and projects

This week’s selection features exhibitions and projects presented via online viewing rooms, social media and other online platforms including: Alvaro Barrington’s digital drawings at Sadie Coles, a-n members Julia Cameron and Simon Marshall exhibiting large scale photography on the side of their house in Norwich and a collaborative project from Airspace.

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Now Showing Online: The week’s top online exhibitions and projects

This week’s selection features exhibitions and projects presented via online viewing rooms, social media and other online platforms including: a-n Artist Bursaries 2019 recipient Alinah Azadeh’s new work We See You Now, a film by artist Evan Ifekoya at Copperfield London, and a show of oil paintings on paper, digital prints and plotter drawings curated by artist-researcher and a-n member Sara Choudhrey.

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Now Showing Online: The week’s top online exhibitions and projects

Now showing returns with a selection of exhibitions and projects presented via online viewing rooms, social media and other online platforms including a site offering bookable studio visits with acclaimed contemporary artists, the digital version of Yinka Shonibare’s Guest Projects space, and Instagram exhibitions that reference isolation and lockdown.

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Artists Make Change: “Artists need to be more involved in policy decisions”

a-n Artists Council has initiated a 12-month research and development project that will explore the role of the artist in society and advocate for how artists and art organisers can effectively work for change. Lead artists Rachel Dobbs and Glen Stoker speak to Jack Hutchinson about the project and how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted their plans.

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a-n Degree Shows Guide 2020: celebrating new art in extraordinary times

The just-published 32-page guide includes an expanded ‘Class of 2020’ section featuring images and insight from both graduating students and lecturers, plus there’s an extensive interview with collaborative duo Jane and Louise Wilson, and collectives from around the UK discuss why ‘putting heads together to collaborate is an artistic no brainer’

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Covid-19 impact survey: “a stark reminder of precarity in the arts”

Drawing on the findings of a-n’s recent survey and reflecting the views of over 4,000 members, the Covid-19 impact survey report provides robust insights into the emerging impacts of the public health crisis with 93% of respondents reporting that their practice or career has been affected by the outbreak.

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a-n Bursaries: Time Space Money – open for applications

a-n The Artists Information Company is offering bursaries of £500 – £1,500 to help support those whose livelihoods have been impacted by Coronavirus Covid-19. We’ve brought the application process forward for the next round of a-n Bursaries, and are also working with Arts Council England to distribute £300,000 of financial support as part of the programme. DEADLINE HAS NOW PASSED.

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a-n Board: we are recruiting 4 new Board members

As a-n moves towards celebrating 40 years in September 2020, we are seeking to broaden the skills base of a-n Board with new members who can play an active role in both representing and monitoring the organisation at a pivotal time. HE DEADLINE FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY HAS NOW PASSED.

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