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News News feature

Artists’ Books #6: AMBruno’s Words

For the latest in her regular series for a-n News, Sarah Bodman introduces two works from a new collection of 13 artists’ books to be launched at PAGES: The Leeds International Artists’ Book Fair.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Nico Vascellari, artist and punk musician

The Italian artist and hardcore punk singer Nico Vascellari presents his large-scale, haunting audio-visual installation, Bus de la Lum, at Manchester’s Whitworth. Dany Louise asks him about the work’s meaning and his wider practice.

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News News story

NOW SHOWING #136: The week’s top exhibitions

This week’s selection includes a harrowing installation at the Whitworth in Manchester, influential abstraction in Sheffield, and a group exhibition of works about socialism across venues in Newcastle and Gateshead.

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News News feature

Our post-war public art: questions of taste, time and commissioning

Out There: Our Post-War Public Art focuses on the period 1945-85 including 1972’s City Sculpture Project, which saw artworks temporarily sited in eight cities across the UK. After attending an event featuring Sculpture Project artists Garth Evans and Liliane Lijn, a-n Writer Development Programme participant James Steventon considers the notion of ‘shelf life’ in public art.

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News News story

Comprehensive new study: Artists’ Livelihoods survey needs your views

Launching today, a-n is a lead partner in a comprehensive survey into how visual artists in England live and work, part of a new Arts Council England research project that will shape future support and initiatives for artists. Take part and share your views on the day-to-day realities of being a professional artist and the challenges and barriers you face.

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