A project by filmmaker Sam Firth is causing a stir following reports in The Telegraph and Scottish editions of The Daily Mail and The Sun that the artist is being paid £160 an hour of public funding for standing still next to a loch.
Ulverston-based Lanternhouse has announced it will close on 31 March 2012 in order for the charity to consider future possibilities and options. The organisation failed to secure future funding in April last year during Arts Council England’s (ACE) National Portfolio Organisations (NPO) awards announcements.
Despite numerous delays following its closure for renovation in 2010, The Photographers’ Gallery has announced that it will finally unveil its new home on Ramilles Street in Soho, central London on Saturday 19 May 2012.
There’s been a flurry of media excitement about the upsurge in artist’s activity in northern cities driven by opportunities arising out of the economic downturn, most recently with Radio 4’s PM visiting Sheffield. We talked to artist Matthew Conduit, who raised concerns about the sustainability of this activity on PM, about the reality of the situation for artists
Congratulations to Leo Fitzmaurice on winning the 2011 Northern Art Prize!
Published today on The Guardian’s Culture professionals blog.
ArtsProfessional asks cultural sector to make the case for the impact of the arts and culture on quality of life in Office for National Statistics survey.
Arts Council England have today announced the appointment of Simon Mellor as the organisation’s new Executive Director, Arts.
All of us at a-n wish you an *animated* festive season.