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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: Detroit’s Heidelberg Project to be dismantled, claims Topshop ripped off artist’s designs, and UK Culture Secretary endorses White Paper goals.

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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: art at the Olympics, court to decide authenticity of Peter Doig painting, and art magazine covers nipples of nude pregnant woman painted by artist Lisa Yuskavage.

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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: Creative Scotland awards over £1.2million of Open Project Funding, artist Zehra Doğan arrested in Turkey, and more than 40 artists and designers accuse Zara of plagiarism.

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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: Photographer files $1 billion suit against Getty and Alamy, Orlan loses plagiarism suit against Lady Gaga, and Creative Scotland warns Brexit may limit RFO funding.

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