LOW PROFILE look at the outcomes of Jamboree and the possibilities for taking it forwards. It feels important to know that all of the energy spent developing and delivering Jamboree might become a starting point for a productive shift in […]
Clara Casian reflects on her responsibility towards her adopted city and its interconnected web of possibilities Jamboree provided me with a good knowledge on how people and places operate outside my area. I lived in Manchester for a few years […]
Spike Associate Laurie Lax gained clarity and confidence at Jamboree – and a national network of couches Only a certain kind of person would sign up to sleep on a gallery floor for three nights with a bunch of strangers. […]
Jason Pinder reflects on the experiences of artists from Cardiff’s WARP during Jamboree residential workshop. It’s been a few weeks since we roughed it on the floor of Plymouth Arts Centre (PAC), just enough time for the experience to sink in. […]
In this opening post LOW PROFILE discuss the motivations and aims behind its new residential workshop model. We feel pretty invisible. We’ve been around for a while and we’ve done lots of things we are proud of, but we remain, […]
The third and final workshop in the first a-n Writer Development Programme took us to Birmingham’s Ikon Gallery on Thursday 19 November for a session led by The Arts Desk‘s visual arts editor, Fisun Guner. All five programme participants braved train delays and […]
The second workshop in the a-n Writer Development Programme took place at Manchester’s newest arts venue, Home, on Wednesday 28 October 2015. The afternoon session was led by Frieze magazine reviews editor Amy Sherlock and the focus was on reviewing […]
As part of the first workshop in the new a-n Writer Development Programme, the five participants each produced a piece of writing in response to the Jerwood Drawing Prize 2015, now available as an A5 printed booklet, a downloadable pdf, […]