Adam Riches
Mature student, in my final year of a Fine Art degree. University Campus Suffolk.
Having got the room painted and ready, I realised the importance of selecting the right work to be hung. I’ve already decided that everything that is going into the show, has to have a relevance to the conflict in Syria. […]
With the emphasis on the motives of mass migration, being put on economics, I thought it relevant to draw attention to the more likely reasons that half the population of Syria have fled their home’s. It seems more than a […]
I want my work to highlight the impact that war has on the civilian population. I found Heny Moore’s images of people taking refuge in the Tube Stations, particularly poignant. It illustrates fear that ordinary people must have endured while […]
My degree show is supposed to highlight the impact that the of decisions made by world leaders (particularly of the U.S. and the U.K.) have had on the civilian population, here and in Syria. My work is mainly monochromatic, but […]
I’be been doing some more work on the large drawings on canvas, for the degree show. I decided to take images of anti-immigration protesters and draw them onto a drawing of a weeping Syrian refugee woman, that I’d already started. […]
Completed a week long residency at the Cyprus College of Art, for the second year running. with it being my second visit, I felt like I already knew the place and was able to get straight into the studio […]
Last year I made a drawing from an image of Frida Kahlo. I hoped at some point to make a painting from the drawing, but never got around to it. I was going to donate an already existing drawing or […]
On a group visit to London, myself and a few others went along to the Frank Auerbach retrospective at Tate Britain. Having spent time looking at Auerbach’s work in books and online, it was a completely different experience to […]
As part of my research for the dissertation, myself and another student went to the British Museum’s archive room, to view a set of Goya’s ‘Disasters of War’ prints. The set was one of only two that were produced […]
works in progress… I’ve taken several images from YouTube videos, all with significance to the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. I’m considering the idea of mixing images of the relevant world leaders in with the ordinary people, who’s lives […]
I’ve found that being in the studio for five days a week, can be quite difficult for me to concentrate and focus on one particular project. I also have discovered that the more I try to force what I […]
I stumbled across an image (on Pinterest) showing a group of tormented looking men, huddled together, in what looked like a cell of some description. I glanced at the text underneath and saw the words ‘World War 2’ and instantly […]