I have always wanted to tap into outdoor sculpture, and being able to exhibit my work on Hampshire’s very own 4th Plinth has provided me with the perfect platform to showcase my work in a new setting and environment. I […]
I can not recommend Art in the Garden 2018 highly enough… and it’s not because I’ve been heavily involved with it’s creation, site preparations and because I’ve got two artworks included. Evergreen, our host and LFLA co-founder Jan Griffiths’ home, […]
I’m glad to see the end of this winter, and the first signs of spring coming. I got my first cold/cough in mid December, which lasted for weeks. Spent New Year’s Eve with excruciating tummy cramps, waking just in time […]
Tomorrow, Saturday 9th December, we have an Open Day for people to find out more about the Little Forest Land Art project. People can also view our ‘Boarhunt 4th Plinth’, the site of our Open Competition that we recently launched […]
As well as using Little Forest Land Art for our own art projects, another objective was to support other artists and makers. With this is mind we announce our artist opportunity. As part of the site preparations a large un-safe […]
When the Little Forest Land Art team came together for the first time in January 2017 we had one target – getting the site ready for Art in the Garden 2017. This is our host Jan Griffiths’ annual open studio […]
Sometimes you don’t know where chance meetings will take you. Back in 2007, when I was just starting to emerge into the outside world after years of agoraphobia, I went to the first events at the new Aspex Gallery, after […]
Work for people to see or people to see your work? This is my first big art project and it has been a huge learning experience. For the last two years I’ve been growing plants to turn into paper and […]
The last time I blogged I was at the end of my documenting exhibition and here I am now just over three weeks until the first of the two main exhibitions. Where has the time gone? Perhaps I was enjoying […]
I had hoped to blog every day leading up to, and during the exhibition openings this week, but as I’ve found out with everything to do with this project it is very tiring. The exhibition looks great. That’s not just […]
My first project exhibition seemed a long way off at the turn of the year but it has come round very fast. As I’m learning with everything to do with this project, things take at least twice as long than […]
For a recovering agoraphobic, perfectionist with M.E. this project is starting to get to me. Too much to do. It’s all taking 2-3 times longer than I had planned, my energy levels are on about 20% and I haven’t even […]