Swimming [JP] Ok, so yeah I was honest. Brutally honest in my sum up the other day of how I feel now that I am away from the ecstatic embrace of our residency. Vacant, left wondering. Unable to focus too […]
Volcano & Buck scratch performance in studio
…continued from previous post [JP] I loved the feel of the cock sock in my underwear, the way it would smell after a day of being close to my insides. I feel myself searching for another identity, another self-hood – […]
Super Femme [JP] I’m back home, the residency is over, yet today, and the days before that I reached for those jeans and hoodie, slipping on boxer shorts. I ignored all my pretty dresses with their delicate frills. I know […]
…continued from previous post [AMP] Is Adam much of a dancer? Will you take me out dressed as your mother’s ex lover? Weren’t you supposed to be a guy 24/7? Did you labor, cause men labor, do you have a […]
…continued from previous post [AMP] At the instance of considering gender internally and ontologically and then through language and art I am expanded away from my history and the stories I can tell about me. I trash my collections of […]
[AMP] I am feeling quite emotional I guess and grateful. Now that I am at a space where I am so busy and there is no time for reflection. This happened because I wanted to open up to a speed […]
The detective character & androgyne.
The painter
Adam – ‘I am made of alabaster like’
Female masculnity
Daddy, I am a Man! MIX TAPE: http://8tracks.com/daddy-i-am-a-man/daddy-i-am-a-m…