Artists sometimes report their work has been seemingly ripped off and used in other ways without their consent – but what is actually covered and protected by copyright law? Artist Simon Faithfull talks about some of his experiences, and what he can do to protect aspects of his work.
Artist Susanna Heron talks through her experiences of being commissioned on public art projects, the pitfalls she encounters and how to get around them. Includes an overview on the rights, roles and responsibilities of commissioners and artists.
Ben White and Eileen Simpson created the Open Music Archive to distribute music that no longer has copyright protection. Their project looks at ways you can distribute your work but still control some of its uses.
Art dealer René Gimpel of Gimpel Fils considers the relationship between artists and galleries, including contracts, gallery responsibilities and what commercial galleries do for artists.
When does artistic freedom become copyright infringement? Artist David Mabb considers works in his practice, including a run-in with Magnum Photos and appropriating the work of William Morris.