As difficult as engraving is to learn, there is truth to the fact that practice makes (somewhat) perfect. Devoting hours a day to one design, allowing for breaks and the occasional tear, is normal. Accepting that you will make mistakes […]
With all the preparation done, I was aching to start engraving. The transferring and outlining with the scriber gave me a false confidence, as when I started to actually engrave the results were something like this: My initial thoughts were […]
One thing quite particular to engraving is the amount of preparation. From the tools themselves to preparing the metal to transferring the design, it is a patient practice. The practical side of the preparation alone is time consuming – and […]
The thing I first realised upon starting the hand-engraving course with the Hand Engravers Association of Great Britain is that I knew absolutely nothing about engraving. With my head full of ideas and possible executions, in all honesty I hadn’t given much thought […]