Cherry Truluck
Cherry Truluck is a co-director of live art and performance design collaboration Lucky Bert, based in Folkestone. Since forming in 2016, Lucky Bert have: performed IT’S ALL GOING TO THE DOGS for Strangelove Festival; created ReACT:When Live Art met Brexit (residency, performance festival & site-specific installation, Red Door Studios E6) and designed Rhum & Clay’s TESTOSTERONE New Diorama, Xavier De Sousa’s POST Ovalhouse; JB Priestley’s I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE Jermyn St.Theatre; WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT UK and US tour
Following a formative training in Architecture at the Bartlett, Truluck studied for an MA Theatre: Visual Language of Performance (Theory-led) at Wimbledon College of Art. She was a founder member of international cyberformance network ActiveLayers, who created work exploring the immersive possibilities of virtual and augmented reality (AR) using cyberformance software UpStage and (later) Waterwheel – which they were instrumental in developing. Projects examined the extended body in cyberspace and the augmented concept of home space. Meanwhile, she also created AR installations and performances for exhibitions in the UK (inc. JEAN’S HOUSES and DRAWING JOURNEYS) and the US (OTHER, MICA).
Truluck’s theatre design work stretches back to 2004 and includes over 40 shows from the London fringe to the West End, The Edinburgh festival to New York’s Off-Broadway. Designs include: ALL THAT FALL dir.Trevor Nunn, starring Michael Gambon; RELIGION & ANARCHY, written and directed by Stephen Berkoff and DON GIOVANNI for OperaUpClose at Soho Theatre. She has been nominated and shortlisted for several OffWestend Awards.