Summary of Taking Part data for the engagement in the Arts during 2016/2017.
DCMS top level policy document to promote the “dual competitive advantages” of the UK’s strengths in creativity and technology.
DCMS directly funds 15 museums and the British Library. This review looks at the “functions, forms, effectiveness, efficiency and accountability” within these institutions.
Review in response to the Government’s Culture White Paper in 2016. Visual arts museums are represented, along with sculpture parks.
Written by ex-Chair of ACE Peter Bazalgette for the DCMS, with the intention that it becomes part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy.
Latest headline estimates of adult (16+) engagement in culture for the year October 2015 to September 2016.
One page infographic for Museums and Galleries 2015-2016.
Provides estimate of the contribution of DCMS sectors to the UK economy.
Fourth annual report from the DCMS, published in summer 2016.
DCMS official statistics providing economic estimates to measure employment in the Creative Industries and Creative Economy in the UK up to 2015.
Strong cultural statement of policy intention by the DCMS presented to Parliament as a White Paper in March 2016.
Looks at who is participating in four of the sectors DCMS has responsibility for: Arts, Heritage, Museum and galleries and Libraries, including information by key demographics.