Replying Bodies and Gestures 18.05.2024 Dr Kevin Leomo An encounter of Kevin Leomo’s sound space As […]
Lee Hassall More Than a Passing Pleasure: Re-playing Dorothy Wordsworth, a Reverse Ekphrasis Tour On reflection I found myself writing in both tenses, when it came to reflecting on Lee Hassall’s work ‘More Than a Passing Pleasure: Re-playing Dorothy Wordsworth, […]
16.05.2024 Replaying It Again – Symposium 15.5.24 – 18.5.24 Farah Saleh What My Body Can/t Remember: Body Memory as Archive Saleh presents a short film, of her dancing in a studio space. The dancer’s movements are accentuated by the light […]
The work contests the division between representation and the live body. Starkey develops forms that do not follow logical criteria, but are based on subjective associations and formal parallels, which aim to incite the viewer to make new personal associations. […]
Fig.1 Performance Art Model, Embryotic cell, (2023) My performance art model is inspired by a human cell. The circle emulates the membrane wall of the cell, its semi- permeable wall is autonomous and semi selective, the thin wall allows […]
Performance art unlike any art medium is not an art medium. I share the same stance on performance as theorist Jonah Westerman, ‘performance is not (and never was) a medium, not something that an artwork can be but rather a […]
Updated Statement I often refer to performance art as ‘doing’, as I don’t necessarily see the work as a performance in the traditional sense, but rather gestures, movement, a dance with/in material that’s often not choregraphed. The location and settings […]
Material can seem disconnected to the human, it has a way of disassociating itself, we give it life only to then shut it down, we divorce it because it never truly belongs to us, it becomes possession, because it’s outside. Yet it speaks just like […]
We forget material has agency, it has a life we forget it because we rely on visual/s. Yet this is the very thing that can and does deceive us.
This particular piece was an endurance-based work. When I think of performance art I think of a few artists one Artist being Sandra Johnston, whom uses bare/minimal materials and her own body as the activating role within her work, her […]
Maybe the Sun is God and everything else is image?
Toilet Paper, 2016.