Supported by an Artist Bursary 2018 I am expanding my practice to explore the voice, polyphony and song. I discuss my year working towards a performance taking inspiration from Bermondsey on the banks of the river Thames.
In Venice they do let heaven see the pranks They dare not show their husbands; their best conscience Is not to leave’t undone, but keep’t unknown. (1) Time freezes, then melts. The medieval warrens barricading against the plundering Goths […]
Art / Aperol / Audemar Piguet / Anxiety Balenciaga / Blisters / Colonialism / Collagen / Canal / Canaletto / Curators Dolce / Discourse / Drowning / Dreaming / Drifting Endless Exhibitions / Enwezor / Euphoria / Exhaustion / Espresso […]