Genevieve leavold
www.genevievehb.com b.1980, UK. Multidisciplinary 2D artist.
Originally trained in theatre design. My work is continually evolving though it is grounded in a love of drawing, I am influenced by the explorative practices of artists such as Mira Schendel and Mondrian seeing the art in the process of creation as well as the final object. When I am working on a series, I keep a theme or word in my head but try to allow freedom to follow a new technique or idea as it arrives. I find this method quite exilerating. Curious about the effects of time on surfaces and seek to explore the ephemeral, overlooked parts of my environment, part of my process is documenting worn, overgrown or broken surfaces, recording the existence of decay and disintegration. I am also very interested in memory for the same reasons, how our experiences are recorded in our minds and how time can alter memory... and memory alter time. I have exhibited extensively throughout the UK. I have work in private collections in the UK, US and Europe
London, UK / Belgrade, Serbia