Short film/rant asking; why does being an artist always come down too writing? We are not writers! Please reply or discuss here or on our youtube account Why do artists have to write to get work? We are […]
I have been incredibly lax with keeping up with this blog. Which is good in a way since I have found myself to buzy to update it. I went to the one on one festival @ the bac which was […]
A-N BLOG Well haven’t spoke in a while been buzy but on short London trip to see shows and bac’s one on one festival. I love francis’s work his approach is always so clever. If in my mind he is […]
Work has been hardsince pulse no active goal in sight has dwindled my artistic flame. Adding to this pulling my back doing bronson workout hasnt helped. My tasks to think about this week are where do i want my work […]
I have figured out in part why i am struggling. As an artist now im thinking how to market the idea where does it fit what is the life how is the auidence which stuff i have always thought of […]
A little late but this was on my pulse show day will update other days later today as well as catch up on films. Thoughs on pulse fringe festival 2010: I find myself unusually shy averting gaze from people being […]
Just a qucik before i go have full day of art. Going to my old unis degree show kingston and then of livert art platform fresh at queen marys. Let you know what i think later. Do solitary already so […]
Im thinking today about finishing touches to for pusle show next week. Whats needed and whats not needed. This is the first time i have actually scheduled a talk for this show You will be rare. I am struggling with […]
Went to london yesterday to met one of my mentors. Is was a pre mentor mentor sesion going through what are the key things to go through. Basically what i want to get out of it. I have now met […]
So 4 days into solitary fitness and is going well you will be a couple of days behind but will add them here too. Picked up some really nice display cabinets for pulse show. It means that the figures will […]
First of for those that do not know HE SAID Talent agency is a fictional but functional company based in Colchester, Essex. We have been working on piece as a group/collective with each informing the other in some way. Currently […]
Also forgot to mention to run alongside our development as artists on Escalator one have artists has decided to parrell this with his bodys development as visual symbol of our progress. Jamie Moakes will be working from Charles Bronsons solitary […]