missed my usual friday blogg, due to illness, and also suffering the frustration of badly behaved equipment,eg, my computer, which for some reason absolutely wouldnt do a single thing I wanted. It is getting old and wierd. I have been […]
This week has been about finishing off work and getting ready for exhibiting, its all the tedious jobs like edges and backs, titles and labels et al.Oh! I nearly forgot, I did have a bit of a strop and took […]
When people visit your studio, and make comments such as “Oh, it must be so nice to be an artist”,I just wish that they could inhabit my shoes, on a week such as this one has been!I have succumbed to […]
All the time I have been working on “earth series” panels, I have been constructing a collection of spheres, which I am calling “creation spheres”, these objects have just evolved and have been created whilst waiting for paint to dry, […]
“Trashed” Not a title for new work, no, but it is what has happened to my last panel.I have been working on this panel on and off, since March, and I should have been warned, as the damn thing has […]
I have been working on this panel off and on since March, and it is causing me such problems. Someone asked me, “how do you know when youre finished?”, and the answer is, when its as you internally visualise, sometimes […]
This week has been just one of those weeks, full of tedium and minor frustrations, nothing life threatening, but very very frustrating. My internet connection has been playing up, making logging on a work of art, rather tham my work […]
I have worked this weekend mostly on re-viewing, re-working, re-painting, and re- gilding. This is a tricky time for me, will the panel look as I have it in my head after all the processes have gone through, and sometimes […]
My old friends at Wrights did me proud and the schlagg duly arrived, and so I was able to get on with gilding the panel, although the largest piece Ive yet done it all went without any problems and relatively […]
Having brought two panels to the gilding stage, I couldnt wait to get going, although knowing the mess that would ensue. I have yet to gild the 8′X4′ panel, that will be a challenge, and is set for today provided […]
I have taken a rest from my large panels, and am working on rwo panels 1 metre square, and they are new versions of “flow”. I love these pieces as they are so expressive of the concept of landscape as […]
I have to say that the work just continues. There is a saying, that something regarded as boring, can be said to be as boring as waiting for paint to dry, and alas this is somewhat similar to my situation […]