Do you hang on to your past? Here's some of my eggs finally up at Bergh APton sculpture trail…
Do you hang on to your past? That's going to be the title for my hanging eggs. I spent the day working out the 50 phrases which are going to go on the eggs.
Spent today trying to figure out what to put on my degree show postcard, I didn't have anything 'flat' that would work (it's not fair to have pictures of books cos you can't open them!). I ended up making this, […]
Eggs. I've been given a lot of eggshells. Unfortunately they stunk though so they spent a night soaking in bleach. I've spent the afternoon sorting through them, giving each a final clean.
Some of the implements used to damage/change/transform paper.
I've been making eggs for the Berghapton Sculpture Trail… There will eventually be at least 50 eggs altogether. Each will have a phrase on relating to mistakes/being human and they'll all hang from a tree at the trail. I've been […]
The Waste Paper Project… What do you find important that no one else seems to care about? Is there anything insignificant that seems important to others? What have you taken for granted? What would you get rid of? These are […]
You and Me A concertina/popup style kind of book about having connections between people whether you like it or not, and about the difficulty of open, honest communication. It's difficult getting pictures to show the way the words inside link […]