Kate Anderson
I use drawing and animation to convey personal narratives, especially where an individual’s experience is shaped by the environment they occupy. Kent UK
I’ve had time to get distance from the work created Arteles Residency, but am currently too wrapped up in commercial work to give it due attention. What’s exciting is that a group of artists who run a shop window project […]
Several visits to Frantsila herb farm. Anna was great. She does marketing and helps develop new concepts for Frantsila and was keen to tell me all about the company, how it grew, how it’s founding ethos remains intact at it’s […]
Late start. Partly due to tapping my fingers waiting for bikes to be set up. Went over crossroads by bike, heading for dairy farm but instead found Maun, with his logs flying through the air and couldn’t resist. He was […]
Our group meets up with some Tampere based artists, including Tiitu Takalo and Ville Pirinen. An opportunity to compare approaches, discuss techniques and find out about opportunities for Finnish comic artists. KUTIKUTI is a non-profit contemporary comics association; they publish […]
I arrive in Helsinki, to more snow than anticipated. Spring is running late this year, Finns tell me, as I travel northwards to Arteles and even more snow. Before heading out on my first foray I use a combination of […]
I am spending April 2018 at Arteles Creative Centre on their ‘Comic Blast’ specialist residency program, alongside 10 artists working under the broad heading of comics and illustration. Arteles is based (in what used to be a school) in the rural Pirkanmaa […]