Why did you come here ? What do you want? What do you want? What do you want? What do you want? ask it again What are these decisions made on? [ ] {Silence} ( ) ‘sigh‘ multi-storied ebbsnflows constructed […]
SWitCH open pre-e-e-ss wwsh…wwsh…ding…wheee…dadada wwsh…wwshwwsh…dingding ding ding… click click-clicliclick- click click – clicliclicli wwsh click ding ding click click New white tap little finger left press hold middle finger right tap M let go little finger left tap a middle […]
composing = textingshapesounds in definites un beginnings shadows in minds lie dormant for years (then past) others previously unknown searchingsearching until rise free (now past) everything contributes nothing wasted or wasteful a shape forms shifts restlessly continues flexing fluxing settles […]
white landscapes horizon horizon underscores culture culture borders language language choreographs mind mind perceives place place moves presence presence speaks horizons horizons lay down stillness stillness movement flicks flick repeat flick flicks momentum flick moment POWERS (flicktwistflick) powerflick sings (twistflextwistbreath) […]
… spaces are to be explored spaces lacks bounded by somethings not-beings becoming events surrounded by their silence shadows exist in wide open spaces (if some attention is paid) traverse re-travel map ignore overlook re-discover it is not possible to […]
→▪ [a starting point] decision – take part in work(mapping&writing)shop entering parallelwhite longwalls spaceful of strangers beanbags with bodies maps and markmakers papers and people anticipating introductions: names→performwrite↑student→Dartington↓artist↔ exploration↓energies←wonderings→performancewriting↓ document↑dancing↔words→tutor↓enthusiasms↔ experiences↑openess←info→structured↑ready→to→GO↔ beginning joining NOW leave follow any straight line as […]
Busybusy couple of weeks starting with a stimulating and eclectic weekend of Performance Writing at Arnolfini, Bristol, and then ten days in Shetland, where landsounds and seaskylife make indelible marks: SKY massiveness cloud encompassing grey white towering blue bright lowering […]
Marcel Un-Caged coming upon a melancholic aBsence good foR nothing immobility resounding nOn-communication through pOetry Marcel transmogrifieD flaring feaThered wings and claws unmuzzling arnarcHic allegorical assemblages eagle-riding thermAls over hollow shell towers performing thought rE-toothing language to gnaw esoteric tRuths […]
questions seed questions crop questions questionable relationships reading↔writing writer↔reading reader↔writing writer↔reader writing↔sounding sound↔read reading↔sounding h’m… What colour are your eyes? what colour watches my thoughtfollowing linear left to regimented right jump down hopskip down to the last letterz [start, return […]
a time of moves it was it is a time of searching sense a time of influences collectings + connectings = continuings nightday x seven a step another inc-re-ment further edge along (careful now) a perhaps path a sign ghosting […]
Here a Beginning is attempted it’s usually expected an Introduction leading through Middle to … End almost known as AugustmergingSeptember but even an End is … Edward Said said much about Beginning – a project has beginning/middle/end = transitive but […]